Saturday 28 March 2009

Stages of Language Development

Illustrates the five stages of oral language development in English Language Learners

5 stages and very interesting do go here

1 silent period stage

may last 10 hours to 6 months.
The students may not speak but can respond using
a variety of strategies including pointing;
performing an act; gesturing or nodding.
[ I still can remember my youngest daughter nursery teacher told me
that she is silentfor 6 months. so this research is very true
and applicable to my situation.. :) ]

2 Early production stage
another 6 months
The students can usually speak in one- or two-word
phrases and can demonstrate comprehension of new
materials by giving short answers to simple
yes/no, either/or, or who/what/where questions.

3 Speech Emergence period stage
another one year

The students begin to use dialogue and can ask
simple questions and are able to answer simple
questions. Students may produce longer sentences,
but often with grammatical errors that interfere
with their communication.

4 intermediate proficiency stage

may take up to another year
after speech emergence. Students are beginning to make
complex statements, state opinions, ask for clarification,
share their thoughts, and speak at greater length.

5 Advanced Language proficiency stage

students can participate fully in grade level classroom
activities if given occasonal extra support.
students can speak English using grammar and vocabulary
comparable to that of a native speaker.

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