Tuesday 5 January 2010


STL61 Contribute to positive relationships

Knowledge and understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. the importance of giving children and young people full attention when listening to them and how you demonstrate this through body language, facial expression, speech and gesture

2. why it is important to give all children and young people the opportunity to be heard and how you do this in a group

3. an outline of how children/young people’s communication skills develop within the age range 0-16 years

4. why it is important to give children and young people sufficient time to express themselves in their own words

5. why it is important to help children and young people make choices and how you can assist them to do this

6. the key features of effective communication and why it is important to model this when interacting with adults, children and young people

7. the main differences between communicating with adults and communicating with children and young people

8. how to demonstrate that you value adults’ views and opinions and why it is important to the development of positive relationships

9. communication difficulties that may exist and how these can be overcome

10. how to cope with disagreements with adults

11. why it is important to reassure adults of the confidentiality of shared information and the limits of this

12. organisational policy regarding information exchange

13. the importance of communicating positively with children, young people and families

14. how children and young people’s ability to communicate can affect their behaviour.




STL61 Contribute to positive relationships

Glossary of terms used in this unit
Adults Adults you meet at work. This will vary according to your role and responsibility, but may include one or more of: colleagues, visitors to the setting and members of children/young people’s families.

Children and young people Children and young people who you work with, except where otherwise stated.

Listen Paying attention to what the child/young person or adult is communicating in order to respond appropriately. Listening includes negotiated and agreed alternative methods of communication in situations where there may be hearing difficulties.

Language Includes signing, symbols and other non-verbal language.
Positive relationships Relationships that benefit the children/young people and the children/young people’s ability to participate in and benefit from the setting.

STL61 Contribute to positive relationships

61.1 Interact with and respond to children

Performance criteria

You need to:

1. show children/young people you are paying attention and listening to them

2. use a considerate and sympathetic approach whilst paying attention and listening to children/young people

3. allow children/young people to express themselves in their own time, using their own words or alternative communication

4. ensure that all children/young people are allowed to express themselves and are acknowledged

5. accept and acknowledge children/young people’s expression of feelings

6. ask children/young people questions to confirm your understanding of their language and expressions.

61.2 Interact with and respond to adults

Performance criteria

You need to:

1. give adults your full attention when they are communicating with you

2. demonstrate that you have understood them

3. respond confidently, in a way which shows you have listened to their views with care and attention

4. clarify any misunderstandings

5. make suggestions and give information when requested.

STL61 Contribute to positive relationships

61.3 Communicate with children

Performance criteria

You need to:

1. communicate clearly, in ways that the child/young person will understand

2. use language and actions that show children/young people that their views, feelings and opinions have been listened to with care and attention

3. help children/young people to express their needs and make choices

4. demonstrate your understanding of children/young people’s preferred ways of communicating

5. encourage children/young people to use different communication methods

6. model positive communication skills for children/young people

61.4 Communicate with adults

Performance criteria

You need to:

1. approach adults with courtesy and respect, using preferred names

2. value adults’ individual needs and preferences

3. exchange information with adults in line with agreed practice

4. use communication methods that are appropriate to adults

5. adapt the ways in which you communicate when difficulties are experienced.

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